
Deliverect x Fullwhere: Simplify order management and automate your customer reviews

Discover how Deliverect and Fullwhere, in partnership, offer an automated solution to simplify order management and the collection of customer reviews from restaurant owners.
Customer reviews delivery
5 min
  • The exponential growth of home delivery in the restaurant sector, amplified by the pandemic.
  • Use of digital tools such as Deliverect to optimize order management and improve operational efficiency.
  • Introduction of Fullwhere, a SaaS solution that centralizes, analyzes and automates the management of customer reviews for restaurant owners.
  • The integration of Fullwhere's ALFRED artificial intelligence for an in-depth analysis of customer feedback and the personalization of responses.

In the restaurant sector, home delivery has expanded rapidly in recent years, in particular due to the health crisis, which has pushed consumers to favor this mode of consumption. In order to meet this growing demand, restaurant owners must rely on digital tools to optimize order management and offer a seamless experience to their customers. That's where Fullwhere and Deliverect come in.

The emergence of delivery in the restaurant sector

Until a few years ago, home meal delivery was a practice that remained exceptional in consumers' daily lives. Today, it has been completely democratized, to become a real lifestyle and consumption habit.

According to Emily Mayer, director of business analysis at IRI, the expansion of home delivery is a direct consequence of the COVID-19 health crisis. Home delivery has experienced accelerated growth, gaining between 3 and 4 years of growth in just a few months. According to a study carried out by the Food Service Vision Institute, home delivery should represent 19% of commercial catering turnover by 2024, or nearly 10.3 billion euros.

Delivery platforms like Uber Eats, Just Eat, and Deliveroo have become extremely popular, even surpassing most traditional restaurant chains. French people's spending on this type of platform (which alone amounts to 8.7 billion euros) increased 2.4 times last year. In 2019, 1 out of 2 orders were made on a delivery platform, compared to 8 out of 10 orders at the end of 2021. The year 2022 is just a foretaste of the future of catering, where distribution channels abound to allow customers to order and eat restaurant dishes while staying at home, or to find large-scale retail products online. For the consumer, it is no longer a question of knowing where to find meals or food products, but rather for the restaurant sector to ask itself how to take advantage of all the opportunities that exist. By multiplying their distribution channels, restaurant owners will be able to reach as many customers as possible and thus meet consumer demand.

Order management made easy with Deliverect

Today, running a restaurant is no longer simply about serving customers in the dining room. In a constantly changing restaurant landscape, restaurant owners must multiply their distribution channels to reach a large audience. To continue, it is essential to use all possible distribution channels.

Delivery and digitalization are therefore now an integral part of the organization of a restaurant. Deliverect offers an effective solution by centralizing all orders on a single platform, whether they come from the restaurant's website or from external delivery platforms. This integration system allows restaurant owners to reduce the number of tablets on which they receive their orders, to limit entry errors and to save time on a daily basis.

Deliverect is a digital tool designed to simplify the daily management of a restaurant owner. It is an order integration system that centralizes all orders on a single screen, whether they come from the restaurant's website or from any delivery platform. Thanks to Deliverect and its Menu Manager, restaurant owners can easily synchronize their menus across all delivery platforms used. Thus, a change made only once on the menu (such as removing a dish or an ingredient) is automatically applied on each platform, thus avoiding disappointments or order errors.

Automating the flow of orders from delivery platforms to the restaurant cash register reduces the risk of errors and manual entries, while saving time. Orders taken from a platform are sent directly to the kitchen, which reduces the workload associated with preparing orders. This allows the restaurant team to focus more on room service or delivery. In addition, if the restaurant uses a network of delivery people, Deliverect can also transfer the status of each order to the delivery partners, thus avoiding expectations and delays.

By using a digital tool like Deliverect, restaurant owners can easily access detailed sales reports. These reports allow them to analyze the various customer data, identify the most ordered products or dishes and offer the menu that best suits customer requests. Digital tools like Deliverect also offer advanced features such as real-time inventory management, online reservation management, and the generation of detailed reports on restaurant performance. This allows restaurant owners to better understand their business, optimize their operational efficiency, and develop automation systems that facilitate all order management.

Fullwhere: centralize, analyze and automate customer reviews for restaurant owners

Fullwhere is a SaaS solution that makes it easy for restaurant owners to collect and manage customer reviews. By centralizing all feedback on a single platform, Fullwhere allows restaurant owners to quickly view customer feedback from various platforms such as Google, Uber Eats, Deliveroo or Zenchef. In addition, thanks to ALFRED artificial intelligence, Fullwhere analyzes each feedback in depth, allowing restaurant owners to identify their strengths and weaknesses. This in-depth analysis of customer reviews helps restaurant owners improve their offer and service over time.

Digital tools such as the Deliverect platform thus make it possible to adopt a good organization, to gain in efficiency and to develop automation systems that facilitate all order management.

Respond to customer reviews and build customer loyalty

For a restaurant owner in 2022, responding to feedback has become essential to create a link with his customers.

Managing customer reviews is an essential aspect of creating a relationship of trust with consumers. Fullwhere, thanks to its integration with delivery platforms, allows restaurant owners to respond easily and quickly to reviews left by customers. We offer automation features such as sending satisfaction emails or SMS messages after each order, thus promoting the continuous collection of customer feedback. Also, Fullwhere offers promotional coupons to reward customer loyalty or manage disputes.

By automating customer feedback management, Fullwhere allows restaurant owners to save time and focus on improving their services.

Fullwhere has also developed a “alert ticket” system that detects alarming terms in customer reviews, allowing the restaurant owner to act quickly by offering a promotional coupon or resolving reported problems. For example: the restaurant owner himself references keywords and alarming terms such as “damaged”, “extremely disappointed”, “not fresh”, etc. and as soon as one of them is detected by ALFRED artificial intelligence, the customer receives a promotional coupon. These alerts automatically integrate with other tools you use in your internal system such as Slack, Salesforce, etc.


In a context where home delivery is becoming increasingly important in the restaurant sector, restaurant owners must adopt automated solutions to simplify order management and optimize the collection and analysis of customer reviews. With Fullwhere and Deliverect, restaurant owners can centralize their orders, analyze customer feedback, respond effectively to reviews and build customer loyalty. These digital tools offer better organization, more efficient management and automation systems to facilitate the entire ordering and feedback process.

By creating this intelligent software, the Fullwhere team wants to support restaurant owners in automating the management of their customer feedback, while allowing them to derive the best possible recommendations.

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