
What does customer interaction consist of?

Learn what customer interaction is and why it's critical for your business.
interaction applications
3 min
  • Any contact between a customer and a brand through various channels
  • Respond to comments and mentions to maintain a good relationship with customers
  • Use feedback to improve products and services
  • Adapting responses to specific customer needs

Customer interactions are at the heart of the relationship between a brand and its consumers. They play a crucial role before, during and after the purchase, determining customer satisfaction and loyalty. But what exactly is customer interaction and why is it so important for businesses? This article explores these questions and shows you how to optimize each interaction to get the most out of it.

Define customer interaction

Customer interaction happens every time a customer comes into contact with a brand, regardless of the channel used. It can take place before, during or after the purchase, covering a wide range of requests and contexts. These interactions are touchpoints that shape a customer's perception of your brand.

Interactions can be public or private in nature.

Public interactions

Public interactions are visible to everyone and can have a significant impact on your company's reputation:

  • Customer reviews : Reviews on platforms like Google, TripAdvisor or Trustpilot. A positive review can attract new customers, while a negative review can be a deterrent.
  • Comments and mentions on social networks : Reactions and mentions on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. These interactions can go viral and influence your brand image.

Private interactions

Private interactions are addressed directly to the company and are not visible to the public:

  • Emails : Email exchanges between the customer and customer support. They make it possible to solve specific requests or problems in a personalized way.
  • Contact forms : Requests sent via forms on the company's website. They are often the first point of contact for potential customers.
  • Satisfaction surveys (CSAT/NPS) : Questionnaires sent to assess customer satisfaction. They provide valuable insights into the customer experience.

Instant interactions improve communication and responsiveness

Instant interactions allow customers to get quick answers, which is crucial in today's digital world:

  • WhatsApp and Google Messages : Instant messaging applications. They allow quick and direct exchanges.
  • Private messages on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter : DMs on social networks. Used for immediate questions or concerns.
  • Live chat : Live chats on websites. They offer support in real time, increasing customer satisfaction.

Different possibilities and themes of customer interactions

Customer interactions can be divided into several main themes, each requiring a particular approach:

Compliment: Positive feedback on a product or service. It is an opportunity to strengthen customer relationships and encourage loyalty.

Complaint: A complaint about a product or service. Effective complaint management can turn a dissatisfied customer into a satisfied customer.

Question: A request for information or clarification. Responding to questions quickly and accurately builds customer trust.

Suggestion: An idea or a recommendation for improvement. Suggestions can offer valuable insights for the development of products or services.

Comparison: A comparison with competing products or services. Understanding these comparisons helps identify strengths and weaknesses compared to the competition.

The importance of customer interactions

Managing customer interactions effectively is essential for a number of reasons:

  • Improving customer relationships : Well-managed interactions build customer trust and satisfaction. A happy customer is more likely to come back.
  • Strengthening the company's reputation : A quick and relevant response to public interactions improves the public perception of the company. This can attract new customers and keep existing customers coming back.
  • Identification of strengths and areas for improvement : By centralizing and analyzing these interactions, businesses can identify areas for improvement in their customer service. This allows for continuous improvement of the customer experience.

At Fullwhere, we use artificial intelligence to ensure personalized and fast responses. Our technology helps increase customer satisfaction and loyalty by optimizing every touchpoint.


Customer interactions are essential for establishing and maintaining a relationship of trust with customers. By understanding and optimizing these interactions, businesses can improve customer service and strengthen their reputation. At Fullwhere, we centralize and analyze all these interactions thanks to our AI, helping you to offer a quick and relevant response to each customer.

Try Fullwhere today for optimal management of your customer interactions and give your customers the experience they deserve!

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